Walk just a few steps away from the Colosseum and find yourself back in the Middle Ages. The Basilica of Santi Quattro Coronati was erected in IX century on a previous Early Christian church. The monastery attached to it was fortified in XIII century to become a safe refuge for the Popes, who lived nearby in the […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...A walk in ancient Transtiberim to find out how much of it is still visible underground medieval churches. Excavations under the Basilica of San Crisogono reveal impressive remains of the early Christian church, built by the V century transforming a private house. The baptistry, the semicircular crypt with a fenestella confessionis and the stories of […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Travel through time on the Celian Hill visiting ancient buildings that became foundations for Early Christian Churches. Beneath 5th-century Basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo we get into the Roman houses of the Caelian Hill, an extensive residential complex consisting of several Roman buildings, with fully frescoed walls, a magnificent monumental fountain, and a most important Early Christian shrine (https://www.caseromanedelcelio.it/en/le-case-del-celio/) In front […]
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